Saturday, June 13, 2015

Gardens, Blackberries and Even More Bees!

Lots of things going on here this summer. Bees are buzzing, cows are munching, chickens are pecking, and the garden is growing! So busy around here that I barely know if I am coming or going! But I will say, this is my favorite time of year, all the fresh veggies, new ventures! Well, ok, my favorite thing is fresh veggies. And fruits! Lets not forget fruits!
Here is a few pictures of the things growing here on the Backwards Homestead!


 Yummy! Look, there is one that is ready! And it was delicious!!

We finally got the arbor built and the grapes are doing great!It took a little while to get it done, but they look so nice now! But, this is the first year that we have had Japanese Beetles. Go away beetles!
Mulched with wood chips this year, now I just need to finish! but it has been SO hot!

All that GREEN!

 Nevermind the grass, this is preweeding! But..I really hate hoeing..Yea..really!

 I cannot wait to get a nice homegrown tomato! I am having to keep an eye on Pud'nin, he is dying for a batch of fried green tomatoes, and I am determined to get a red ripe tomato first! I keep expecting to catch him up in the middle of the night, frying one up!
Aww! A little zucchini 
Such a little bitty squash!

Baby scallop squash
These guys came up volunteer and we were crossing our fingers that they were what we call patty pan squash. Technically scallop squash, but hey! when in Rome!
We also got MORE bees! This time it was a Nuc, which came with 5 filled frames with brood and honey! Woot! Here are a few pictures, I will have more later when I get a chance to get them from Austin, lol I was helping Dad so camera use was a bit hard with bees flying all around my head! Getting stung on the face was also a little bit of a Buzz kill..(hehe) But here are a few pics as a preview!
The bee whisperer!

We had an audience! Yay!
My Sister in Law Tabitha my other Mom Janet, my niece Taylor and nephews Kameron and Kyler came to see Dad work his magic! Austin also came down and was a camera guy!
I swear, I have never seen anyone so at ease as Dad with a hive of nervous bees. Having his help during this beeventure has been amazing.
So toasty! Bees cooling the hive!
Well, not much of a post, but duty calls and I better get at it! Hopefully I can get a bit of time to post about the meat chicken pen adventure, and the even newer bees! Thank you to every one who stops by to read my blithering!