Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Eleanor Has Arrived!

Funny how you wait for something, and figure it is just not going to happen. Then one day, BAMMO! There you are, done! It was sorta like that with Flossie and Eleanor. We had been looking at Flossie, staring at her Lady Bits, ogling her udder, and still nothing. Blogging, posting, perusing all sorts of forums, diligently searching for the answer to the continual question. How would we know when it was "time"?! Flossie was surprisingly quiet over the whole ordeal. Then, she was suddenly NOT so quiet..
That, is how we knew it was time. Flossie, who rarely, and I do mean rarely makes a sound, started making a low, soft moo. Not a loud pained moo, but an ever so easy, almost comforting sound. Like she was calling to someone..or something. Come to find out, she was, she was telling Eleanor that it was indeed time. Time to start her journey into the world.
Eleanor was listening, and that afternoon when it was time to feed we saw a change in Flossie that was unmistakeably progress toward something. But we still were not sure, there had been too many false alarms. She was nervous, and kept being way less than ladylike. Even for a cow..Every few minutes, the tail came up, and she would leave a little present. Flossie seemed way to anxious about such a tiny little plop.."Hmmmm" we said. 
And then she laid down...and we knew!

 It WAS time! Flossie got down to business, and before we knew it we had feet!

By now Flossie had an audience, and I must say she was a real trooper! It was a full observatory so to speak and even Payton and Kaeli got to see little Eleanor make her debut! For your viewing pleasure, here is a video of the happy moment!

It was absolutely beautiful to experience the miracle of life. Somehow birth never seems to take my breath away, and strengthen my faith. A totally new little being, wet and slippery. Flossie was also amazing, she is the sweetest Mama. If you ever think, that an "animal" does not have feelings, just watch a Mama cow..

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