Sunday, February 2, 2014

Busy Busy Busy!!

Things have been so busy! Getting back into the routine of school, and also having to milk Flossie twice a day as well. Sometimes I think I meet my self coming and going! Plus, ok, I admit it, I have been playing a cool game called Hayday!  Yea, a farming game. I think I am going to have to have an intervention! But it is just so much fun, being able to farm, when in reality is is colder than heck outside in the "real world!"
Flossie and Eleanor are doing great. It has been way too cold for them to be outside much. Which is sad. If we had Twister in another pen I am sure they would do great in the pasture, but since he is such a turd...Not a possibility. He bullies everyone in the pasture and I am not going to let him smush my Eleanor!
I do have some video of Eleanors first day outside!! The sound is awful, sounds like I am in a hurricane! Here you go! Click the link and it will take you to a video!

Eleanor's first day out!

We also have a new addition to the farm, a Large Black sow named Charlotte. She is adjusting very well and hopefully will give us some baby piggies before too long. I am really excited. Here is a picture of her exploring the pen. Her ears are so huge that she can't see you, so we lift them and talk to her so she knows it is us! She makes the cutest little piggy noises.

The other piggies have went to Freezer Camp, which makes me very sad. I have a really hard time with that part of the farm life. I usually stay inside when they are loaded, and while they are taken off to camp. But this time it was not possible for me to keep my head in the sand. Josh came and helped load, and thank goodness because as much as Katrina and I were willing, these girls quickly made it obvious that they were much tougher than we were going to be at any point! I also had to go with Roger to drop them off, where I sat in the truck, hands over my ears, and cried. Yea, 46 years old and bawling in the truck like a baby..*sigh* But, this is how it is, and in reality, staying here with my blinders on is not fair. If I am going to live this life, then I need to experience the hard parts too. It is easy to put away nice neat little packages of meat in the freezer..But to respect the sacrifice that is made, I need to get a spine and not leave the hard parts to someone else.
 We also lost two of our ducks, probably an Opossum! Katrina and Roger had a spree with one last week and we figure he was what has been lunching on our feathered friends...We are pretty opposed to them visiting since the disease that Ciskgo is recovering from is spread by Opossums.(hehe, Opposed to the Opossum) Needless to say, the welcome mat is pulled up when they come calling!
Other than that, it has been pretty much "same ole same ole" here on the farm. One crazy day follows another! :)

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