Sunday, February 16, 2014

It Is SUNday!!!

After all of the icy, snowy, freezy weather it is great to see the SUN! Everything on the farm is practically jumping for joy! It is easy to forget how nice it is to be alive, but the animals can help you remember that  sometimes you just have to kick up your heels, no matter how silly you may look to anyone else! I mean seriously,  look at Flossie! That is pure happiness!

After all, a day like to day is something to crow about, lol

 Then, put on your biggest smile!

Because,  there is nothing like standing and feeling the sun on your face. Sometimes you just have to stand still and breathe in the beauty of the morning. The birds were singing and the air is just so fresh out here in the country. We are healthy, happy and blessed. I just had to take a moment to soak it all in, even if it made the chores take a bit longer!

 Not the best picture, but hey, I am old,and not a dress up or make up wearing kinda person. During the winter it is hard for me to stay out of a funk, the darkness, the cold and short days make me an unhappy camper! But give me a bright and shiny day and it does wonders for my mood! It is a wonder my family does not ship sunshine in just to get me to lose the frown!

But I will say, my choice of footwear was a bit off...Maybe I should have worn my boots! Maybe I was just a bit too optimistic.

But I will take mud over ice! Any day! Even Eleanor is happy as can be today. She gets to get out of the barn and RUN!  She is learning to lead, and is doing great, it just takes a bit of patience. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day! Here she is waiting by the gate while I am milking Flossie, she knows that is her time to get rubs and scratches. It is also her lead time, and she is getting much better! See how pretty she is standing! Her and Pud'nin are doing great in their training, lol

 See, they are both walking so pretty! Then when she gets to her destination, Eleanor lets it all hang out! Believe me that little girl can RUN! Here she is in the home stretch! Look at that tail!!

But, like all children, Mom sometimes has to get out the Hoof Of Justice.  Here is Flossie letting Elly know that she needs to calm down!  After all, she is a lady!

But, between you and me, I don't think Eleanor is going to listen, she is just too darn happy to be outside! Can you blame her?

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