Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let There Be Ice!

What happened?! This has been the craziest winter! One day it is like 55, the next day it is in the negatives and the wind will blow you away! I personally think winter can be cool. I like snow, like the last huge one, where we all played outside and had a blast. But I like it to be here a day, then when I wake up I need it to be gone...totally. Snow-Play-Gone. Done! It seems that Mother Nature is not on the same page, not only have I NOT gotten my Minute Snow, I have gotten instead a thick coating of ICE! I do NOT like ice. Older, shall we say fluffier people do not like ice. It makes us pull muscles we had forgotten we had, and flail around like we are trying to signal a rescue plane just walking to the mailbox. It hurts me to walk on ice...I am so tense, I even clench my teeth. Falling also hurts more when you are old and crickly! How do I know this...Just ask the frozen waterhose...Also known as the deadliest thing in the barnlot..

Just look at it! Laying there all innocent! Well let me tell you, step on that puppy and you will side down it like a teenager on a half pipe. Only way less gracefully, and you will not look nearly as cool...Plus, will not land as smoothly either. It took about a nanosecond for me to be laying on the ground, looking up at the sky, wondering what happened. Of course my Pud'nin, who witnessed my swanlike fall to the icy ground, was quick to point out that he was sure that hose would never be the same, it was crushed beyond repair. Gee honey, thanks alot! LOL!
The ice always makes me think of a story my MeMaw used to tell about winter. Seems she was going outside with a bucket, in the snow, and as always, in a dress. She falls, sits IN the bucket, and slides all the way down the hill riding a very cold, and by now snow coated bucket. She lands at the bottom of the hill, picks herself up, and looks back to see her kids laughing at her from the safety of the house I am sure! I am almost positive that her mood was probably as icy as her hiney for the rest of the day!! This is the first story that made me realize that I indeed had MeMaws gift of grace. Or lack of, lol
Even though I really do not like ice, it can be pretty. In a totally freezy, look out for falling branches, "Whoa that's slicker than snot!!" kinda way. The ice kinda adds a shimmer on everything making the whole world sparkle. It looks clean and fresh. Which is a little deceptive. One step outside and then getting nailed with a icicle falling at warp speed, quickly skews your view from clean and fresh, to a world filled with icy daggers just waiting to fall on you at every step! So yea, do not like ice, no matter how pretty!

So, I will be counting the days until Spring, hoping that somewhere there is a light at the end of this icy tunnel!

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