Sunday, February 23, 2014

Spring has Sprung...Well, Sorta!

I think it might almost, kinda, sorta be moving toward Spring!! I know, I am scared to even say the word, especially since this week is supposed to slam us again with freezy temperatures! But, yesterday I got a little pick me upper that at least made me believe that Spring might be more than the fluff of fairy tales!
It started when Pud'nin and I were going to town for the millionth load of feed for the animals. I swear, that seems like the unending chore! But, I digress, lol There a couple of things that Pud'nin does that makes him a keeper, well, actually a million things but today I will share one of them. Whenever we go to town, especially in late winter/early spring he stops at the end of a certain road where every spring we hear the first Peepers. What you ask are Peepers? They are the little frogs that mark the arrival of Spring in my book! I absolutely LOVE hearing them. They are warm weather, end of freezing, and I can almost plant seeds all wrapped into one shrill little package! So, this time, when Pud'nin stopped for me to listen, I HEARD THEM!! I was so excited! Sometimes, it really is the little things. I actually recorded the sound, because everyone should be able to hear how awesome and Springlike these guys sound!

See! Isn't that just the sweetest sound ever?!? I know that we are not out of the deep-freeze yet, but it sure was nice to get a glimpse of spring.
I will also share the other stopping spot that we drive by when we go visit Josh. On the way to his house you cross an old country bridge, and the view down the creek is just breathtaking. No matter the season, it is just wonderful to stop and take a few minutes to enjoy the view. I always feel a little less stressed after watching the water and listening to the birds while we relax, if only for a second.Sometimes you even get to see a huge waterbird trying to catch his dinner!
Just look at that view! I bet if you use your imagination, you can almost hear the water flowing over the rocks. See, that is why I love my Pud'nin. He always makes sure I get the time to do the things that make me happy. He never fails to stop and let me enjoy these two places because he knows how much I love them.  Even if it is only for a minute.

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