Thursday, September 11, 2014

Playing Catch Up!

Hey everyone! I know, I have been missing in action. Not that everyone has been just waiting for me to make a blog post, lol But things have been a bit busy. I still have to finish my wedding post. but until then I will update a bit on what has been happening around here.
The piggies are growing like crazy, it seems that are going to outgrow their pen very soon. Charlotte has at least calmed down so that we can get in the pen without her trying to eat our face off! These little guys are too cute and have already learned what a bucket of milk looks like from across the yard, they start squealing as soon as we step out of the barn!
 These are some piggy little piggies! Charlotte is getting ready to wean then I think as she will flip them way in the air to get to the food first! Now THAT is one greedy Mama!
Nom Nom Nom
 They sure have grown! Funny how in a short 7 weeks they have grown to be such big piggies! The sure love their food! The bottom picture is pretty unusual, she is actually SHARING her bowl!
ClaraBelle is also doing so well, and hopefully will be having a little one in October. Joy and Trina have been working with her and she is learning to lead, let us touch her and stand still while we spray her with fly repellent. May not sound like much, but holding on the a lead rope with a nervous cow with horns is quite an experience!
Joy and ClaraBelle
Giving some huggies!

She is going to be a great little cow and hopefully she will have an easy birth and add another little calf to our growing herd!
Ok, so a few random pictures of things that are pretty normal here on the farm. I have to say, there is nothing better than the life that we life here on the Backwards Homestead.  Things may be hard, and frustrating at times. But all in all, I feel very blessed!
Yummy Flossie Milk! 2.5 gallons of creamy goodness
 Morning milk getting nice and chilly. Flossie is a milk machine giving us almost 5 gallons of creamy milk a day which makes lots of delicious pudding, butter and cottage cheese. So nice to have a a constant supply of delicious milk that is just a squeeze away, lol
Ace waiting for his bowl of milk
 Ace is quite the lazy dog! Many people think he is a meanie, but he is really just a cuddle bug! He still thinks he should be able to sit on your lap, and will climb his big butt right up there and smush you flat as a pancake!
The horsies in line eating supper :)

This is actually a rare moment. They are all standing in line, without fighting and nipping each other, lol

Pooter with his typical cat face!

This is possibly one of the silliest kitties. He is a bit special, and is a real sweetheart. He adored petting, scritches and cuddles. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we brought he and Zelda home from the shelter to join our family. Now I can't imagine life without them!

Ellie and Ciskgo having their breakfast

Mom blowing out her candles on her 70th birthday!

Had a blast with Mom on her birthday! She kept thinking she was 68, and then when we would tell her she was actually 70 she would say " Well, time flies when you are having fun!" I am so very blessed to have her here with us and be able to care for her. I am also very blessed to have such a loving family that helps me and has such patience and caring with Mom. I am not sure I could do it alone, nor would I want to! My family is my saving grace and I love them all so very much!
Beautiful sunset

This is one of the things I love about the country and the life we have here. There is beauty at every turn. If you have a bad day, or just need a bit of time to catch your breath, there is always something that will show you that life is beautiful. The miracle Gods creation is awe inspiring and will boost your spirits and heal your heart always..

Well, as short as it is I guess that is all! I am working on the wedding post and since I got the pictures from Cayce I am hoping to finish soon! Hope you enjoyed the post and feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think!!

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