Friday, January 2, 2015

101 Things in 1001 Days

101 things in 1001 DAYS!!

Well, here we go! Yesterday I started the 101 things in 1001 days. What is that you ask? Well, let me explain with a nifty little copy paste from my bestie Rickki Wallace and  her Blog "The Wallace Homestead!" Which by the way is an awesome blog! You should give it a peek!

So, here is the explanation!


You make a list of 101 things you would like to do.
You aim to get everything ticked off in 1001 days.

It’s that simple.

The rules? Each task must be specific, with clearly defined or measurable results. Tasks must also be realistic — something I believe I can accomplish within 1001 days — and stretching; I can’t add things I already do or which don’t require any effort.

Why 1001 days? “The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time…because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks.”

1001 Days =
143 Weeks =
33 Months =
2 3/4 Years

It seems like a reasonable amount of time to get a lot of stuff done!  I  will ready to start on Thursday January 1, 2015 and hopefully everything will be ticked of by September 28, 2017.

Sounds awesome right?

Here is my list, and it will be posted on the 101 things tab here on the blog so that you can keep up with my progress if you like!
So here we go! I am SO ready for 2015 and to get started on my 101 things!!

ID101 Things
1Make homemade bread at least twice a month for at least 6 months                    (0/6)
2Clean up Office
3Become financially independent
4Start keeping production/spending records for the farm
5Finish siding
6Start a financially viable business
7Have the animals where they are a resource instead of a draw.
8Raise and process meat chickens
9Can at least 800 jars of anything
10Prepare and use cold storage area for root vegetables/ect
11Finish the outside of the house
12Read one book a month
13Go a full month eating totally "store free" at least 3 separate times                       (0/3)
14Post 3x weekly on my blog for at least 6 months                                                         (0/6)
15Take a painting class
16Learn to knit…Well.
17Prepare and submit at least one grant proposal having to do with the farm
18Write and mail at least 10 actual letters                                                                      (0/10)
19Create and maintain a household notebook
20Set up a booth at the farmers market at least 6 times                                                (0/6)
21Build a greenhouse
22Use greenhouse to completely start garden at least one summer
23Spend an entire weekend away with Roger
24Get Bees
25Build and hang at least 5 birdhouses                                                                              (0/5)
26Hang at least 3 bat houses                                                                                               (0/3)
27Build at least 3 raised beds for garden produce                                                           (0/3)
28Make a quilt
29Learn to drive a tractor
30Set up home office
31Plant asparagus
32Grow enough feed to take care of the animals at least part of the winter
33Paint the outbuildings
34Send handmade presents to at least 5 people                                                              0/5)
35Make homemade Christmas Presents for at least 10 people                                  (0/10)
36Learn to shoot a gun safely
37Make jelly from grapes grown on the farm
38Make dandelion jelly
39Start an exercise program and stick with it at least 1 month
40Do 20 things from Pinterest
41Grow and harvest at least 2 Turkeys                                                                               (0/2)
42Have a bonfire/cookout and invite all the kids/grandkids
43Go fishing at least three times
44Redo flower beds
45Hang pictures
46Put Moms pictures on a CD
47Make wine
48Donate Blood
49Get a tattoo
50Volunteer somewhere at least twice                                                                            (0/2)
51Write down at least 3 recipes a month to share                                                         (0/3)
52No sugar for a week
53Build a scarecrow
54Make a farm Notebook and USE it!
55Make a drawing of fruit tree names and placement
56Start a worm farm
57Rebuild the pond
58Make 3 kinds of soap                                                                                                        (0/3)
59Organize recipes
60Spend 15 minutes a day in quiet meditation/reflection/thanks
61Grow a decent watermelon!
62Take down trailer
63Finish the feed room
64Finish the milk room
65Have Flossie and Ellie AI'd
66Limit computer time to 1 hour a day for one month                                                (0/30)
67Wash all the windows on the house
68Repaint my room
69Take wallpaper out of my room
70Build side porch
71Finish and paint hallway
72Do Alzheimers walk at least once
73Plant Blueberries
74Enlarge pig pen
75Organize file cabinet and important papers
76Can 33 new things that I have never canned                                                                    (0/33)
77Clean and organize the brown storage building
78Clean out silver storage building
79Put up pool
80Grow peanuts
81Season all the cast iron I have sitting around
82Make yogurt
83Clean around Rogers shop
84fix counter over washer and dryer
85Make and follow a cleaning schedule
86Fix sewing area
87Make first aid kits for the house and barn
88Declutter at least 1 room a month                                                                               (0/15)
89Plant garlic
90Make and stick to a budget
91Get life insurance
92Make a folder of Moms medications and important information
93Have a movie night at least once a month                                                                  (0/33)
94Build rabbit hutches
95Go through my clothes and toss or donate what I do not/cannot wear at least once
96Finish sheetrock in the bathroom
97Start a kitchen garden
98Sell leftover homeschool books
99Make crockpot meals at least once a month                                                              (0/33)
100Make sourdough starter and maintain it at least 6 months                                       (0/6)
101Make new 101 list!

These are not in ANY order, kinda like my life, lol They are just listed as they came to me and I may even have a couple of ones that are on here twice. I will change them out if I do find them, or just let me know if you find a double!
Anywho, feel free to join me, or just give me a comment or two letting me know what you think of my list. Or hey, just a few words of encouragement!
Happy New year to everyone, may 2015 bring you the best of everything!

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